Whether you are making a donation online, giving funds toward a project or donating a valuable asset, every giving opportunity is used to help further the ministry of Tri-State Bible Camp. With 86 acres of property, the upkeep of ten buildings and a ministry to over 1500 people each year, your gifts enable us to keep up with all of the necessary aspects of the ministry so we can continue to glorify God as we minister to camper's hearts. I want you to know that your gift does make a difference in people’s lives.
Below you will find several different opportunities to give. If you have any further questions as to how you can help, please contact us at 973-293-3522.
Thank you for partnering with us to impact lives for eternity!
Below you will find several different opportunities to give. If you have any further questions as to how you can help, please contact us at 973-293-3522.
Thank you for partnering with us to impact lives for eternity!
Donate Online
As a non-profit organization you can make a tax deductible contribution to this ministry online via a secure transaction by clicking the donate button below. The "Donate" button will take you to a secure website where you can give toward our general operating costs.
Tri-State always has a number of projects and needs that you may be able to help with. Some are large projects and some are items that could help out the kitchen, maintenance or program areas of the camp. The button to the right will take you to our donation portal where you can see some of the latest projects we are working on.
Amazon SmileIf you shop through this link at Amazon Smile and select the Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches, the camp will receive a small percentage of your total purchase in a donation from Amazon. Nothing changes for you, you just have to remember to start at Amazon Smile!