Our Mission:
Tri-State exists to serve churches, families, and individuals through the benefits of a camp environment by lovingly reaching camper's hearts with the truths of God's Word to encourage continued personal and spiritual growth for the glory of God.
Our Purpose:
Tri-State exists to serve churches, families, and individuals through the benefits of a camp environment by lovingly reaching camper's hearts with the truths of God's Word to encourage continued personal and spiritual growth for the glory of God.
Our Purpose:
- God’s Word will be the foundation for all that we do.
- Our main goal will be to glorify God.
- We will serve the local church by providing a controlled environment of Christian camping to help churches of like faith and practice.
- We will seek to evangelize the lost by making the direction and/or end of every moment spent at Tri-State an opportunity for the presentation of the clear gospel message of salvation to all who attend.
- We will seek to edify the believer by providing instruction, exhortation and encouragement through Biblical preaching, teaching and counsel from the Word of God.
- We will provide an environment separated from worldly distractions where campers can enjoy God’s creation, personal recreation and good wholesome fun.
- We will seek to do all things decently and in order.